The Boeing 787 completed the first flight test pilots who serve in the U.S. armed forces-無人機滅蚊Introduction: the United States ,The Boeing 787 completed the first flight test pilots who serve in the U.S. armed forces

Seattle on December 15th at ten twenty-seven in the morning (Beijing time 16 days morning at two twenty-seven) Boeing 787 dreams plane from Everett Paine Field Airport to take off for the first time, this marks the 9 month air testing officially kicked off. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner in the first flight test flew over the Atlantic and then returned inland and across the lake Moss and other eastern Washington state. About 3 hours later, 787 aircraft will be landing in Seattle Boeing field.

Boeing 787 made the first successful flight in the United States of America off

9 month air testing officially kicked off the

the first commander opened for about a series of testing in the air curtain for 9 months, the performance of these tests are designed to fully understand the 787 aircraft. The other 5 787 aircraft will be the first test flight of the 787 Dreamliner to test, the test pressure shall exceed the limit can withstand jet under normal conditions.


test, test pilot first try for the aircraft,lv包包新款目錄, and then complete the dives,lv秋冬包包, the body will be rattled. In addition, they also on the runway at full speed, and then step on the brake. During takeoff, they will deliberately close one engine and single engine propulsion flight 2.5 hours. The night before, the plane will be at 55 degrees below zero environment, then in the very next day morning, open the engine.

in Boeing Airport North, an operations center will be responsible for monitoring each test process, and immediately get the detailed data from many systems of aircraft. At that time, about 600 engineers responsible for the analysis of these data, thousands of professional personnel to troubleshoot, solve any failure. About 400 engineers will perform maintenance on the aircraft at night, to ensure that the very next day morning flight smoothly.

test mission composed of 787 chief pilot Mike - Kaili led the 5 pilots are responsible for most of the test flight, they will take off at the airport. The other 8 pilots will be specially assigned to the 787 team. In addition, a team of 24 other pilots of 747-8 test mission team, in time of need will also go into battle 787 flight tasks. While about 50 Boeing 787 flight test pilot will serve as the team bench. The bench often do some of the more routine work, including the assessment of new features or command aircraft fly away from the implementation of test task manufacturing factory companion.

787 Dreamliner 15 local time, at the Everett Paine Field Airport for first flight

two test pilots have been in the United States Air Force

Mike Kaili grams of division of total flight captain is Boeing 787 aircraft, his flight hours exceed 7500 hours. In the Joint Strike Fighter Program Design and proposal stage, Carriker served as deputy chief pilot project. In the works for Boeing, Carriker is the United States Navy pilot.


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